We are not an antique dealer. We are a private family that is liquidating various items from our ranch.
Our goal is simple: To provide a variety of quality antiques, collectibles, tools, primitives and miscellaneous memorabilia from the Indianapolis 500 and the military to our customers along with a no hassle satisfaction guarantee – If you are not happy with a purchase, neither are we! If you are disappointed with any item, contact us immediately and we will make it right!
Our web site tracks inventory and is always up to date – so once your order is accepted, you can be assured of receiving your order in the quantity ordered in a timely manner.
Also, if there is something in particular that you are looking for, send us an inquiry and we will see if we can find what you are looking for in Grandpas Barn and post it on the Web Site and/or send you and E-mail!
Want to avoid shipping costs? You can pick up your order right here in Teller County Colorado! Contact us for location details. (By appointment only.)
We hope you enjoy looking through our pages! Please visit us often as the deeper we dig into Grandpas Barn, the more items we are finding! Thanks for looking!
Please see list below of items too numerous to list. If you are looking for something in particular, please let us know and we will see if we can find it in Grandpas Barn!
Rope fence stretchers
“T” posts
Corral panels – 10′ and 12′
Barbed wire
Old fuel tanks
Wrought iron
PVC pipe
Hot tar kettle
Wooden ladders
Pulleys – heavy duty commercial
Logging chains
Tire chains
Cattle guards
Propane bottles
Chisel plow
Mechanic tools
Sledge hammers
Post hole diggers
Steel pry bars
Hay hooks
Antique hand pump
Antique water hydrant/faucet – 5’ burial
Hydraulic jacks
Building materials
Bridge planks – 8’ (l) x 12″ (w) x 3″ thick
Ford pressure washer
2 ½” Hydrant hose
3” Hydrant hose
3” X 16’ Trash pump suction hose w/connections and strainer basket
Electric wire – various
Old lights
Mining railroad iron track
Submersible pumps
Steel pipe various sizes and lengths – 2” – 4”